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How to handle a Hamster

handle a hamster

Hamsters are inexpensive and they are a very popular choice for a child’s first pet. Children usually tend to pick up a hamster and carry it around. This is a very delicate process and should be thoroughly supervised by parents at the start. As if not done the right way it can cause danger to both the pet and owner, as an accidental fall from a couple of feet can cause severe injuries to Hamster because in case they are not handled the right way or at the right time that can result in Hamster biting you and that really hurts; so most of us would agree to avoid that.

For which you need to know how and when the Hamster should be handled. Initially, It should be under parents supervision and use a cloth before handling the hamster; soothe your Hamster with one hand from the top and pick it up placing your other hand at the bottom but delicately keep your hold softer, not so stiff that it gets irritated and not even that loose that it jumps off and injure itself.

Hamsters don’t always like the handling and they always communicate that when they are not in a mood. If the Hamster rapidly thumps or whirls its feet or hisses at you, it is not a good time to pick it up.

If you come near the cage and Hamster comes over and paws at the sides it’s trying to seek attention and should be duly answered by awarding with a treat of special snack or fresh food.


Hamsters are very cuddly creatures and when the bond between the owner and pet hits off it is one cherishable memory then provided that it starts off well and for that, an enabling environment Is required for which you have to make sure that the time you adopt the hamster it is no more than four or six weeks old. The first thing you should do is think of a cute name for your hamster and then don’t forget to take Hamster’s name before giving it the food. The Hamster gradually gets used to its name and when you call it your Hamster is going to respond to it.

The next phase is making Hamster feel that you are not a threat and hence they have poor eyesight; they rely more on smell and hearing. Therefore we are going to focus on these things as it is Hamster’s prime source of determining its surroundings. First, put some food next to your hand and let the hamster come and eat the food so that it can get familiar with the hand and establish it as a harmless thing which is around food. Now put that food inside your hand and let it climb or without climbing eat but out of your hand.

Once it becomes a routine then always make sure that you wash your hands before offering food in your hand as even if your fingers exhibit the slightest smell of food, the Hamster may bite you.

Hamsters are nocturnal creatures and their lifestyle should be respected and shouldn’t be disturbed while they are resting because if you do then they even may bite you. Hamsters are very shy; they take time to settle down with new surroundings and get used to being handled, therefore you should be patient when your Hamster becomes quite tame.

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