There is a wide array of Hamsters to choose from that are kept as pet, the one that is most commonly adopted as pet is the Syrian or Golden Hamster; this specie of Hamster is called by many names mostly for commercial reasons as Fancy Hamster, Honey Bear, Panda Bear, Black Bear, European Black Bear, Polar Bear, Teddy Bear and Dalmatian depending on their coloration.
People also like Dwarf Hamsters; it has four different species that are popular and kept as pets, Russian Dwarf is the common of all those four species, there is a very interesting fact about the Winter White Russian Dwarf Hamster the coat turn almost white during winter when the hours of daylight decrease.
Another specie in the Dwarf Hamster category is Roborovski Hamster; which is recommended for those who need a pet that is fun to watch and required less personal handling, they are very small and active. They are very hard to catch and are very social as opposed to some other species of Hamster if the two are introduced properly they can easily live together and do anything
Chinese Hamster Is another specie of Hamster though it is not related to the social dwarf category but they are very calm, easily handled and gentle as compared to other and one of its endearing trait is that it cling to finger with all four paws commonly used at laboratories for research. It is the only Hamster that has a prehensile tail.